Bulk Updating of Asset Details on the Platform

The Platform offers a convenient feature for mass updating of asset details. This process involves downloading your asset registry to a spreadsheet, making the necessary changes, and then uploading it back to the Platform. This method is efficient for managing large numbers of assets simultaneously.

Steps for Bulk Asset Update:

  1. Access Asset Registry:

  2. Select Assets for Update:

  3. Download Asset Details:

  4. Edit the Spreadsheet:

Important Restrictions When Editing the Spreadsheet:

  1. Asset IDs: These are automatically assigned by the Platform and cannot be altered.

  2. Technical/System Owner: Ensure that a Platform User exists in your tenant before assigning them as owners in the spreadsheet.

  3. Company Assignment: A Company must be registered in your tenant to assign it to assets in the spreadsheet.

  4. Priority Rating: When assigning, the value must range between 1 and 10, or remain as ‘--’.

  5. Spreadsheet Format: Maintain the original column names and structure. Adding extra columns will result in import failure.

Uploading the Updated Spreadsheet:

  1. Return to Assets Page:

  2. Initiate Import:

  3. Select File Format:

  4. Upload Updated File:

  5. Finalize Import:

By following these steps, you can efficiently update multiple asset details on the Platform, enhancing the management and accuracy of your asset registry.