Throughout the Results interfaces, you will see different ‘statuses’.
Statuses provide you with useful information about Projects, Phases/Scans , IssuesandAssets.
Read on to find out what these different statuses mean.
The status of your project gives you an indication of progress. The different project statuses are:
Pipeline: Think of this as a draft; the Project or its Phases may not yet be fully defined and may be subject to further changes
Statement of Work (SoW) Created
Scheduled: The project is yet to begin and remains in this state until at least one Phase in the Project is In Progress
In Progress: The Project is active since one or more Phases within the Project are also In Progress
Delivered: The Project has completed and all Phases within the Project are Delivered
Projects are broken down and delivered in phases. These statuses indicate the progress of your phases. The different phase statuses are:
Pencilled: Think of this as a draft. The Phase may not yet be fully defined and may be subject to further changes.
Scheduled: You can see the scheduled dates for a phase in the Phases interface or by selecting a specific phase.
In Progress: Issues with a status of ‘published’ (see below) are subject to change when a phase is ‘in progress’, so should not be considered final.
Delivered: A ‘Closed Phase’ banner and the name of the tester who approved its release will appear under the phases’ details.
Awaiting Human Intervention: When a phase/scan closure has been triggered by the dynamic remediation delta tolerance level. This would require human intervention to close the phase/scan.
These statuses indicate whether you have remediated vulnerabilities identified by your tester.
The different issue statuses are:
Published: Issues marked as ‘published’ are available to view; you have not marked them as remediated yet. If the issue’s corresponding phase status (see above) is “in progress”, the information published about your issue may be subject to change. On the other hand, if it is ‘delivered’, the information is final and the issue is ready for you to remediate.
Remediated: Your issue will be marked as ‘remediated’ once the statuses of its affected hosts are marked as Fixed Verified or Fixed Unverified (see below). A ‘Remediated’ banner will appear under the issue’s details.
Remediated (Unverified): You have marked the host as remediated, but this hasn’t been confirmed by Rootshell. This status may be sufficient for you, however you can choose to work with us to confirm remediation. For assessments carried out by other third party vendors other than Rootshell, any issues marked as Remediated will enter this Remediated (Unverified) status until the issue and its remediation steps have been verified by a testing company.
Decommissioned – You can set a host to be decommissioned. All issues that are detected as part of that asset will be decommissioned also.
In-Progress – This status will be shown when remediation activity has been started on issues with multiple affected hosts. If one or more of these hosts have been remediated, but not all, the phase-level issue status will be shown as ‘In-Progress’.
The affected host(s) associated with an issue have their own statuses. The different statuses for a host are:
Vulnerable: This is the initial state for an affected host and indicates that remediation or other action relating to this host has not yet been applied (see below)
Remediated (Unverified): You have marked the host as remediated but your security services provider (for example, Rootshell Security) has yet to confirm that remediation has resolved the issue (e.g. remediation is unverified). This status may be sufficient for you, however you may choose to work with your security service provider to confirm remediation.
Remediated (Verified): You have marked the host as remediated and this has been confirmed by your security services provider (for example, Rootshell Security)
Decommissioned: You can mark one or more hosts as Decommissioned, (thus resolving any issues attached to that host, which will also show a Decommissioned status).
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