Setting up a Proof of Concept for a Standard Tenant

Initiating a Proof of Concept for Enhanced Platform Exploration

Setting up a Proof of Concept (PoC) trial for a client on the Platform is a streamlined process, designed to showcase the Enterprise capabilities to potential or existing clients. This allows tenants to experience the full suite of features available on the Platform within a specified trial period.

Tenant Overview access is reserved for security providers only to assist them in servicing their clients.

Steps to Set Up a PoC:

  1. Locate the Tenant:

    • Navigate to the Tenant Overview Dashboard and find the tenant you wish to upgrade for a PoC.

  2. Initiate Upgrade:

    • Click the ‘Upgrade Tenant’ button associated with the selected tenant.

  3. Specify Trial Period:

    • Select the “This upgrade is for a trial period” option to indicate that the upgrade is temporary.

  4. Enter PoC Details:

    • Client Name: Input the official name of the client.

    • Upgrade Period: Specify the start and end dates for the PoC period.

    • Notification Recipients: List additional users or emails that should be notified about the PoC status and reminders.

During the PoC Period:

  • Enterprise Capabilities: The tenant will have access to all Enterprise features from the start date specified.

  • Automatic Downgrade: Upon reaching the end date, the tenant will automatically revert to the standard capabilities.

  • Communication: Status updates and reminder emails will be dispatched to the relevant contacts throughout the trial.

Leveraging the PoC Period:

This process not only captures the sales and trial setup but also provides tenants with a comprehensive experience of the Platform's capabilities. It's an opportunity for clients to evaluate how the Platform can meet their cybersecurity management needs effectively.


Setting up a PoC is an integral part of the client engagement process on the Platform, offering a hands-on experience with Enterprise features. By following the outlined steps, PMO or equivalent users can facilitate this process efficiently, ensuring clients have the information and support needed to explore the Platform's full potential.