Global Search puts a user’s entire vulnerability database at their fingertips.
The new functionality enables users to search for Projects, Phases, Scans, Assets, Issues, and Questionnaires from one search bar.
Users will also be able to search by an issue’s unique number, making it even quicker to locate a specific vulnerability within an estate.
Global Search will be especially powerful in instances where teams need to quickly evaluate the potential impact of a new critical vulnerability, as many organizations experienced in 2021 with Log4j.
By empowering teams with greater control of their vulnerability data, Global Search is yet another way Prism facilitates fast remediation. The platform has already proven highly effective at driving down mean-time-to-remediate (MTTR), reducing it by 68% for critical issues, and 48% for exploitable issues.
Global Search Capabilities
Users are able to search for the following areas:
Projects - Titles
Phases & Scans - Titles
Issues - Names and unique issues numbers
Assets - Names and Asset Groups
Questionnaires - Titles