Importing Burpsuite Professional (XML)

Importing Burpsuite Professional (XML)

The Platform supports the import of XML-formatted scan results from BurpSuite Professional.

Step 1. Within the BurpSuite Professional interface, under “Target”, select all the targets you wish to report issues on. Right-click on the and under the “Issues” menu, select “Report issues for this host” / “Report issues for selected branches”:



Step 2. In the Burp Scanner reporting wizard, select “Export issue data (XML)” and enable “Base-64 encode requests and responses”, click Next:


Step 3. Select the relevant types of details you wish to import, click Next:


Step 4. Select the relevant options if you wish to import requests / responses within the report, click Next:



Step 5. Select the issues you wish to include in your report, additionally, be sure to select “Include false positives” where relevant, click Next:


Step 6. Give your export file a name and click Next:


Once your report has been generated, the downloaded XML file will now be ready for manually importing into the platform.

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