Tenant Overview - Tenant Management

Tenant Overview - Tenant Management

Streamlining Tenant Management on the Platform

The first crucial step in onboarding a new client onto the Platform is the creation of a tenant. The Tenant Overview section offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing multiple users and tenants across the platform efficiently.

Tenant Overview access is reserved for security providers only to assist them in servicing their clients.

Creating a New Tenant:

  1. Access Tenant Management:

    • Navigate to the Tenant Management submenu and locate the 'Create a Tenant' page.

  2. Tenant Details:

    • Tenant Name: Enter the client-designated name which will be displayed in the tenant selection menu.

    • Tenant Region: Choose the data region for cloud hosting as specified by the account manager. The region impacts service quality and data residency compliance.

    • Tenant Company Names: List the client and security provider names, along with any other companies involved. You can also configure PDF report settings and customization for each company here.

  3. Adding User Groups:

    • Set up a predefined group of users for automatic addition to each new tenant, enhancing consistency and efficiency.

  4. Incorporating Users:

    • Existing Users: Include security company staff for client service.

    • New User Email: Add client users for initial access, ensuring at least one primary contact is included.

  5. User Assignment:

    • Populate the table with user details, then assign users to companies and their Access Control List (ACL) groups.

    • Names are auto-suggested based on email structure, which may require verification.

  6. Assigning Companies and Access Levels:

    • Link users to their respective companies and determine their access levels within the Platform to safeguard sensitive data.

  7. Finalize Tenant Creation:

    • Confirm all details and click 'save' to initiate the tenant setup.

Tenant Creation Timeframe:

  • The process can take between 10 to 30 minutes, subject to operational queues.

Ensuring Efficient Tenant Onboarding:

This structured approach to tenant creation and management ensures that new clients are onboarded with precision, allowing for tailored access and secure, organized data management within the Platform.


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