Integrating Rapid7 Nexpose
When integrating the Platform with an Internet-facing instance of Rapid7’s Nexpose Security Console the following information must be supplied to the platform to enable scan results to be retrieved from the Nexpose Security Console. The platform will communicate with the Nexpose Security Console API to retrieve scan results.
The guidance in this section assumes you have an Internet-facing Nexpose Security Console deployed. If you have deployed Nexpose Security Console on your internal network(s), and you want to integrate Nexpose Security Console with the platform , please refer to article Connecting the Platform to Internally Hosted Scanners
IMPORTANT NOTE: Rapid7’s cloud-based InsightVM product does not provide the necessary API functionality for the Platform to retrieve vulnerability results on a per-scan basis. As such, even if your on-premise Nexpose Security Console is ‘linked’ to a cloud-based instance of InsightVM, the Platform still requires access to the on-premise Nexpose Security Console API. If you have an on-premise deployment of Nexpose Security Console, please refer to article Connecting the Platform to Internally Hosted Scanners
Configuring Rapid7 Nexpose Integration
Choose the appropriate Connected Accounts entry:
All fields below are mandatory:
Name - a meaningful name/ID of the Nexpose Security Console within your platform tenant
Type - leave this pre-defined as Rapid7
Host - this must be the full URL to the Nexpose Security Console. The full protocol and TCP port definition must also be include in the URL - e.g. <https://<scanner_ip>:3780>
Username - the username for your Nexpose Security Console account
Password - the password for your Nexpose Security Console account
Scanner Frequency - this defines how often the Platform should check with the Nexpose Security Console for new scan data. Default is every 30 minutes
Select Create Scanner once all information has been populated.
The platform will then perform a check with the defined Nexpose Security Console to establish if the supplied configuration is valid.
For valid configurations the platform will display a green banner and return to the previous Rapid 7 Scanners window.
Should the platform return a red banner during the configuration checks, this indicates an error with communicating/validating the Nexpose Security Console configuration. Please check your Host definition and username/password credentials are correct and then select Create Scanner again.
Please ensure you select Save Changes to commit the scanner configuration and making the Nexpose Security Console available within your the platform tenant for importing results.
Importing Scan Results from Rapid7 Nexpose
Once an integration has been setup, the instances will be available to import scan results from. Scan results can be imported manually via a Phase, where the Platform will make an ad-hoc API call to the Nexpose Security Console to retrieve available scans: Alternatively, a Project can be created that can be configured to automatically import scan results from the Nexpose Security Console .