User Profile
The platform allows users to configure their own User Profile by navigating to the bottom left hand corner Avatar icon.
Within this page you can perform a multitude of options.
Profile Picture - Make your platform experience more personable and add a picture or avatar of yourself. The image will be displayed throughout the platform when assigning issues and tasks to your user.
Password Changes
Reset your 2FA (see alsoSetup Two-Factor Authentication )
Phone Number
Mobile Number
Job Title
Biography - Designed for testing users to add a personal biography to be displayed to clients.
Notification Settings
Also within this page users can tailor the amount of notifications you receive from the platform. Users are able to choose between Email and In-Platform notifications.
By selecting each of the toggles and checkboxes on/off, this will instruct the platform to only use those methods of communication with you:
These changes are made in real time and don’t require you to save your profile.