Calendar Overview

Calendar Overview

Calendar Layout

The Platform’s Calendar provides a month-by-month view of assessment activity within the tenant.

Different colours are used to represent different reminder/entry types:

  • Orange - Penetration Testing Phases, created automatically by the platform

  • Blue - Vulnerability Scanning Phase, created automatically by the platform

  • Red - Reminders created manually by user(s).

Reminders can be dragged to any other date in the future, but not the past.

Clicking onto the calendar entry will provide the following information:

  • Project Status

  • Project Name

  • Phase Name

  • Dates

  • Assessment Type

  • Tester Details

Automatic Calendar Entries

The platform automatically populates the calendar with testing or scanning activities that have dates defined. For example, if a penetration testing project has been created in the platform and the project includes 2 separate phases of assessment activity (with each phase’s Scheduled Date defined) a calendar entry for each phase will automatically appear in the calendar.

Manual Calendar Entries

In addition to automatic entries, the platform allows ad-hoc/manual entries to be created; enabling platform users to set their own reminders. When creating a reminder, a future date, a subject and email recipient list can be provided.

By clicking on a day in the future within the calendar view the user is able to create up to 5 email reminders a day (for security reasons):



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