Access Controls

Implementing Access Controls for Specific Projects on the Platform

Access Controls in the Platform allow you to grant a user access to a specific project, phase, or questionnaire, ensuring that the rest of your data remains secure and hidden. Before assigning these permissions, users need to be added to the Platform.

Important Note on User Groups and Access Permissions:

  • If user groups are assigned at the user creation step, these will override individual Access Permissions. The Platform will indicate any ineffective permissions with a conflict badge.

Access Controls.mp4

Steps to Assign Access Controls:

  1. Navigate to Access Controls:

    • Select Access Controls from the Permissions sidebar menu.

  2. Create New Permission:

    • Click ‘+ New permission’ in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Select User:

    • Choose the desired user from the ‘User’ drop-down menu.

  4. Define Permission Type:

    • Specify the type of permission you are assigning.

  5. Choose Project/Phase/Questionnaire:

    • From the relevant drop-down menus, select the project, phase, or questionnaire for access.

  6. Set Access Level:

    • Choose the level of access:

      • View Only: Users can view but not make changes.

      • Editor: Limited read/write access for issue remediation.

      • Administrator: Full access and management permissions.

  7. Finalize Permission:

    • Click ‘Create permission’ to apply the settings.

Managing and Viewing Permissions:

  • The Platform organizes different permissions by user in a table.

  • You can filter the permissions by Projects, Phases, and Questionnaires to easily manage and view who has access to what.

Ensuring Project-Specific Security and Collaboration:

By using Access Controls, you can effectively manage user access to specific segments of your projects on the Platform. This feature is crucial for maintaining data security while allowing necessary collaboration and access where needed.


Read more

How to Add Users

An Introduction to Permissions

User Roles