Introducing the Secure File Exchange (SFE)

Introducing the Secure File Exchange (SFE)

Efficiently Sharing Files with Secure File Exchange on the Platform

The Secure File Exchange (SFE) on the Platform provides a secure environment for you and your consultants to share files. This feature ensures that sensitive information is exchanged safely and is accessible only to authorized users.


Using Secure File Exchange:

  1. Accessing SFE:

    • Go to Secure File Exchange from the menu.

  2. Uploading a File:

    • Click ‘+ Create File’ in the top right-hand corner.

    • You can upload files up to 200MB.

  3. Setting File Details:

    • Enter a name and description for your file.

    • Choose the company to share the file with from the dropdown menu. This will grant access to all users from that company who have access to the Platform, as well as your consultants.

  4. Creating Private Files:

    • To make a file private, select specific users to grant access to from the ‘Share with specific user’ dropdown.

    • Click ‘Submit’ to finalize.

  5. File Availability:

    • Once submitted, your file is securely uploaded and shared on the Platform.

  6. Finding Files:

    • Use the ‘Filter’ option to search for files by author.

  7. Downloading Files:

    • To download a file, click the three-dots menu under ‘Actions’.

Benefits of Secure File Exchange:

  • Enhanced Security: Ensures that sensitive files are shared in a secure and controlled manner.

  • Flexibility in File Sharing: Choose to share files with an entire company or specific individuals.

  • Ease of Access: Simplifies the process of accessing and downloading shared files.

By utilizing the Secure File Exchange feature, you can confidently share important files with your team and consultants, knowing that the information is safeguarded and accessible only to the intended recipients.




Our Secure File Exchange provides a place for you and your consultants to securely share files.

Navigate to Secure File Exchange on the menu.

To upload a file, click ‘+ Create File’ in the top right-hand corner.

You can upload files with a size of up to 200MB.

Enter a name and description for your file, and select which company you would like to share the file with from the dropdown menu. This will make it accessible to all users from the company you have selected who have access to the platform, as well as your consultants.

If you want to make it a ‘private file’, choose which specific users you want to grant access to from the ‘Share with specific user’ dropdown menu. Then click ‘Submit’.

After submitting, your file is securely uploaded and shared.

You can click ‘Filter’ in the top left-hand corner to find files by author.

Click the three-dots menu under ‘Actions’ to download a file.

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