Upgrading a Standard Licensed Tenant

Upgrading a Standard Licensed Tenant

The Platform provides administrative users with the functionality to create new tenants for clients, with each new tenant initially having the capabilities of a standard licensed user, akin to a freemium version. To access the advanced, paid-for enterprise-level features, an upgrade process must be followed.

Tenant Overview access is reserved for security providers only to assist them in servicing their clients.

Steps to Upgrade a Tenant:

  1. Locate the Tenant:

    • Use the Tenant Overview Dashboard to search for and find the tenant you wish to upgrade.

  2. Initiate Upgrade:

    • Click the ‘Upgrade Tenant’ button associated with the specific tenant.

  3. Enter Upgrade Details:

    • Fill in the required information to facilitate the upgrade:

      • Client Name: The official name of the client.

      • Upgrade Period: Specify the start and end dates for the upgrade period.

      • PO Number: Provide the Purchase Order number associated with the upgrade.

      • Purchase Order PDF: Upload a PDF of the Purchase Order for validation purposes.

      • Notification Recipients: List any additional users or emails that should be notified of the upgrade.

  4. Finalize the Upgrade:

    • Upon submission of the upgrade details, the tenant's status is elevated to include Enterprise capabilities.

  5. Update User Roles:

    • The upgrade process can include uplifting those users with Standard User roles to enterprise.

    • Similarly, the platform supports the omission of this step to help service MSSP providers.

Ensuring Seamless Access to Advanced Features:

This upgrade process is designed to seamlessly transition tenants from the standard license to the comprehensive suite of Enterprise features, enhancing the overall utility and capabilities available to clients on the Platform.

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