Introducing User Management

Streamlined Collaboration with User Management on the Platform

The Platform's User Management feature significantly enhances collaboration efficiency, particularly in remediation efforts. It allows for the creation of user accounts for colleagues and third parties, granting them tailored access to Projects and Results. This feature includes managing their access rights via a comprehensive Permissions system.

Overview of User Management:

  1. Centralized User Overview:

    • The User Management interface presents a list of all users added to the Platform, encompassing both internal colleagues and external third parties.

  2. Access Control:

    • Determine and manage the level of access for each user, ensuring secure and appropriate visibility of project-related information.

  3. Permissions Management:

    • Customize access rights for users through the Permissions feature, balancing project confidentiality and collaboration needs.

Adding New Users:

Ensuring Efficient Project Collaboration:

The User Management functionality on the Platform is integral for fostering effective collaboration. By allowing for the easy addition and access management of users, it ensures that everyone involved in a project has the necessary information and tools at their disposal, while maintaining data security and integrity.