Asset Tagging

Asset Tagging

Tags are labels you create to help organise your data by assigning meaningful references to your Assets

They enable you to customise how you organise data, for example you could create Asset tags for business departments, geographic locations, system type/function etc. You can then search and filter your Assets using their assigned Tags

Tags are completely customisable; create as many as you like and name and assign them to your Assets as you see fit.

Creating & Assigning Tags to Assets

New tags can be created at the point the tags needs assigning to an Asset, such as when editing the properties of one or more Assets. Alternatively, tags can be created within the Tag Management page, then assigned to Assets afterwards.

Tag assignment can be a one-to-many assignment; so you can assign a single tag to multiple Assets if needed.

Option 1: Creating new Tags when assigning:

From the Assets page you can create and assign tags on individual Assets or you can bulk-select Assets if you want to assign the same tag for multiple assets as a single action.

For creating and assigning tags to an individual asset, identify the Asset and select the the three-dots button to the right-hand side, then select “Manage Tags”. In the “Manage Tags for Asset” window, either choose an existing tag or type in the name of the new tag followed by Enter to save the new tag.

For creating and assigning tags to multiple Assets as a single bulk action, use the tick-boxes down the left-hand side of the Assets table to first select your Assets.

The “Actions” button appears at the top right-hand side of the Assets table, you can then choose “Manage Tags”:

Option 2: Create New Tags under Tag Management

Tags created under the Tag Management page are available for use across your platform tenant.

Please refer to the Tag Management article for further guidance on how to add tags.

Removing Tags from Assets

Simply perform the above operations in reverse; selecting the 'x' next to any tags you wish to remove from the Asset(s). Both the individual asset and bulk asset operations, as described above, can be used.

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Tag Management

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