User Registration Email Not Received

User Registration Email Not Received


Some email gateways may block or quarantine User Registration emails from the Platform when a user is added to the Platform for the first time. Whilst every measure is taken to ensure the Platform emails don’t ‘appear’ malicious or as spam, the receiving email gateway ultimately determines whether to allow through emails from sent from the Platform

For security reasons, the Platform entirely automates the generation and sending of the one-time links contained within the User Registration emails and Support personnel do not have access to one-time links nor the ability to regenerate new one-time links.


Even though the User Registration email may be lost (or discovered after the one-time link has expired, registration can still be completed in the Platform by using the “Forgot you Password?” link on the Platform’s main login page.

NOTE: Users are only permitted to perform a password reset once in any 24 hour period








After selecting ‘Forgot your password?’, on the next page simply enter the email address and select ‘Send’. You will receive a password reset email with a new link that takes you to the platform where you can assign your new password. You’ll then be required to register your 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) account. See this article for guidance on creating 2FA account (Setup Two-Factor Authentication )

All emails from the Platform are sent using a sender’s address of portal@vulnerability-platform.com. If emails are suspected of being blocked or quarantined, please check SPAM/Junk folders or with your IT department, to have these emails released.

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