Importing Assets using Spreadsheets

Importing Assets using Spreadsheets

This article describes the use of an XLSX spreadsheet to import assets into the platform.


In most use-cases, when vulnerability data is imported into the platform, sufficient asset information is contained in the vulnerability data enabling the platform to compile an asset database with the asset information taken from vulnerability data. As new scan data comes into the platform, the asset database is updated. New host information identified in scan results are added as new assets where necessary.

There may be circumstances where assets need to be imported to the platform outside of vulnerability data. This import feature enables both new assets to be created and existing assets to be enriched with meta data such as system ownership, technical ownership, priority rating, or asset value.

Importing Assets

From the main “Assets” page in the platform, the “Import Assets” button in the top-right is available:

Downloading Asset Import Spreadsheet Template

The platform provides a pre-formatted XLSX spreadsheet that can be downloaded and use as a template for populating assets from other out-of-platform sources. This can be downloaded as a JSON or XLSX file under the “Import Assets” screen:

The resulting XLSX file has multiple columns populated into which asset information can be populated:

WARNING: Do not re-arrange or rename the column headers in the XLSX. The platform expects the spreadsheet to maintain this column order and title to successfully import asset information

Populating Asset Information into Spreadsheet Template

The Spreadsheet template contains both mandatory and optional columns that must be populated with valid data for the platform to successfully import.

In certain columns, the data entered should reflect configuration already in the platform before attempting to import. This is detailed below against the relevant field(s)

Mandatory Fields/Columns

The following Columns must be populated:

  • At least one of the following fields must be populated:

    • IP Address - in a.b.c.d notation. Do not include any subnet mask or CIDR notation

    • Name - this is a text-based field that may also contain hyphens ('-')

    • Hostname - this is a text-based field that may also contain dots ('.') and hyphens ('-')

  • Company - this is a text based field. This should be the name of the company to which the asset is associated. This must be the name of a company that already exists in the platform prior to attempting the asset import. The Company field must exactly match the name of the company in the the platform tenant

Optional Fields/Columns

The following columns can be optionally populated:

  • Priority Rating - this must be an integer between 1 and 10

  • Operating System - this is a text-based field

  • Location - this is a text-based field that describes any location-specific information

  • Asset Value - this is a text-based field - for example, an asset valued at £100 would be entered as 100.00

  • System Owner - this must be the email address of an existing user in the platform.

  • Technical Owner - this must be the email address of an existing user in the platform.

  • Notes - this is a text-based field that can contain any relevant notes/comments for the asset

  • Tags - this is a text-based field that can support multiple tag values separated by a comma. Tags must already exist in the platform prior to attempting the asset import

Once the spreadsheet has been populated with rows of assets, please check that all mandatory fields have values entered. Also confirm that, where used, references to existing data in the platform have been satisfied - such as when adding a Technical Owner - that the entry already exists as a user in the platform.

Performing Asset Import

Use the “Choose File” link under “Import Assets” to load the spreadsheet containing assets. Drag and Drop of the XLSX file is also supported:

Reviewing Assets before Import

If the format of the data in the supplied spreadsheet template is valid, the platform will pre-load the assets into the “Import Assets” main table for review:

Completing Import

All or a subset of the assets can be selected using the tick-box on the left-side of the table. Then the “Save Import” button will complete the import into the asset database.


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